50th anniversary of CID photo contest - FotoCeIDe


Submission of photographs yet closed!


FotoCeIDe Photo contest

As part of the 50th anniversary of CID program, the scientific photography contest FotoCeIDe is called to show an artistic and aesthetic vision through the photography of the daily scientific activity of all the people who make up the institutes and services of the center and The disclosure of the work being done.
Participation is open to anyone in the CID, civil servants, laborers or fellows. The images will have to be related to the scientific investigation, the people that make it, the instrumentation and installations, any support activities developed in the center (security and prevention, computer science, cleaning, warehouse, ...), or the processes of Sampling in outdoor spaces, artistic expression in those aspects or recovery of the historical memory of the center.


Delivery of photographs: from 1 May to 12 June 2017 to 24 h.


Exhibition: 19 June to 24 September.


A prize will be awarded in each category by open vote of the entire staff. The voting will begin June 19 and end on July 10 at 24 pm.


Prizes will be awarded during a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the CID, in July.


 FotoCeIDe Contest rules 



01/05/2017 to 12/06/2017
Thursday, 6 April 2017